Snowit Account:
If you are unable to access your account, double-check that you have entered the credentials with the correct email.
If you don't remember the password, you can reset it or regain access to your account independently and in just a few minutes. To recover the password, click HERE, enter your email, and follow the instructions we will send you.
If you chose to register through an external provider (Apple, Google, Facebook), you will need to use the specific log-in.
Please note that if you already have an account created on the Snowit webshops, Piani di Bobbio, Aprica, Pontedilegno-Tonale, Bormioski, Livigno, Cimone, Corno Alle Scale, and Santa Caterina, you will need to use the same credentials.
Snowit Welfare Account:
The Welfare account is considered separate from the personal one. To access Snowit welfare products, you must first log in to your welfare platform with your corporate email.
Orders placed with a Welfare account will not be visible or accessible from the Snowit website or app.
For more information: Snowit Welfare